How to apply for a payment time
Under the Act on the Execution of a Fine (672/2002), you can apply to Legal Register Centre for payment time for the payment of debts under execution. In other words, you can ask for more time to pay your debt. We can grant payment time for payment both for fines and other debts. However, we cannot grant payment time if you have been summoned to court for the purpose of converting your fine to imprisonment. We cannot grant payment time to overloading penalties either.

Criminal records
Criminal records are kept in a national central register. It mainly contains information about people who have been sentenced to imprisonment. Information is collected, saved and disclosed for the purpose of imposing and enforcing criminal sanctions. Information can also be disclosed to find out about a person’s reliability or personal suitability, or to assess these.

Statistics and open data
The Legal Register Centre’s statistics and open data include figures concerning certain topics such as fines or preventive measures. This data is collected from the Legal Register Centre’s statutory registers: fines, bankruptcies and restructurings, prohibition to pursue a business, ban on animal keeping, debt adjustments and administrative penalties.

Printable forms
It is possible to submit applications to Legal Register Centre by electronic means on the Suomi.fi portal and on the online forms provided by e-service. The e-service requires identification by bank identifiers or mobile device. Online forms in Suomi.fi do not require authentication. Forms also have pdf versions that can be filled and printed. Opening forms in PDF format requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or other similar program. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free of charge from www.adobe.com.